Wednesday, June 11, 2014

How to Teach Yourself Guitar

Take advantage of educational materials. This could be a beginner's book or a video course. Perhaps the most cost effective option is to watch free guitar lesson videos on the internet. You can find these on sites like YouTube and you can learn a lot without spending any money.  I will discuss some specifically well done sources in future posts.
Focus on the basics first. Before you can start jamming you'll need to understand the basics of guitar playing. Thinks like chords, scales, and picking patterns are important to learn before you move on to more advanced techniques. Mastering the basics will provide a solid foundation for you to develop more advanced skills.
Find some time each day to play and practice. Consistency is the key, and you'll need to have a regularly play if you want to see steady improvement. Keep your guitar handy, several 10 -15 minute sessions every day are better than several hours once a week.
Try to avoid other distractions while you are practicing. Make your practice time count. Practice in a quiet room without the TV or radio on in the background.
Learning to play a musical instrument well takes practice, and you can't allow yourself to get frustrated and quit. If you continue to put in the time you'll see your prowess develop steadily.

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